SomatoEmotional Release (SER)

Often, the gentle hands-on techniques of CranioSacral Therapy will be enough to treat, for example, headache or back pain, to release restrictions, reduce pain and restore mobility. At other times, there is some improvement but not full release, and these are situations when it can be very helpful to look for deeper roots to a health concern.
SER simply involves helping you to relax more deeply, focus into an area and feel what's going on. Whereas your mind can spin round and round from one idea to another, your body can be a wonderful source of simple truth and wisdom. A wide range of techniques uses imagery, dialogue and guided visualisation to help you to towards deeper understanding and release of the "issue in the tissue".
As well as helping patients to understand emotional issues, this work can help them to understand better their interactions with other people, their patterns of behaviour, the roles we all play in life and where they come from. Once it's understood better, a health concern can even become a positive factor in your life, helping you to a better level of health and happiness than you might have had otherwise.

  • long term stress
  • a weak physical link, eg frequent throat problems
  • relationship problems at home or work
  • major life changes, separations*, bereavements
  • that feeling you get when someone presses your buttons but you don't understand why
  • where healing has reached a plateau
  • when you would simply like to understand the journey of your life better
* on the subject of separations, I would recommend SER treatment very strongly as it can help people to avoid going into a similar difficult relationship to the one they have just left and maybe prevent many more years of turmoil.