Chi Kung Plus

I came across Chi Kung almost by accident through learning Tai Chi way back in 1996/1997, in a village hall in Fife, Scotland. It was a time of much change for me, mirrored in the night sky where we used to see the Hale Bopp comet at the end of the classes - an eerie sight.
 Chi Kung has become one of the most important parts of my healthcare learning, along with Craniosacral Therapy, which in turn is a big part of the "PLUS" of these Chi Kung Plus energy exercises...
Chi Kung means energy development or energy cultivation. Sometimes spelled Qi Gong, but still pronounced in the same way, it's a system of simple exercises and postures with roots reaching far back in Chinese martial arts training and traditional medicine. It's one of those things that seem simple on the surface but which you find have all sorts of fascinating connections and layers of complexity as you look into them more deeply. Now that life is so challenging for so many people everywhere, it has just has much relevance to health and happiness as it did many centuries ago.
I started to teach people Tai Chi almost as soon as I'd learned it myself but soon found that it was actually more helpful to show them Chi Kung exercises. They're much easier to pick up, and they are in fact the power house of Tai Chi anyway. A Tai Chi master once said, "Without Chi Kung, your Tai Chi is little more than a dance." And in fact, I would back a true Chi Kung master against a tank...
While I've been showing people Chi Kung exercises as a break or warm up before courses,
"lifting water" with a class on one of Steve Jones', Sector 39 Permaculture courses
or as part of general healthcare at residential clinics, I've found that I've brought in more and more of the knowledge and techniques I've learned from the rest of my healthcare training and practice, interpersonal energy awareness from CranioSacral Therapy practice above all, along with a deeper understanding of the internal organs from the Barral visceral training, and much more. In this way, I show people how they can develop the apparently simple exercises into something that can be transformational for their health and happiness, for suppleness and resilience of body and mind, and for happier relationships at work, home and in everyday life.